This May I will be running the San Diego Marathon on behalf of Tammy Gilbert, MSMC Class of 2000. Tammy was diagnosed with scleroderma a few years ago and the disease has progressed to the systemic variety. She has now reached the dangerous stage of pulmonary hypertension. Due to the rapid progression of the disorder, she has recently had to retire from PT (at age of 33) and is facing 6-12 months of chemotherapy in an attempt to halt the disease progression. Tammy is currently on COBRA, but will not qualify for long-term disability for 6 months. In addition, Tammy and her family live just outside of New Orleans. Her parents lost their home and business in Hurricane Katrina. They have not been able to rebuild their home or business, and thus are unable to help Tammy financially.
There are two ways you can give
1) Use the Paypal Button above.
2) The APTA as well as the Louisiana Chapter of the APTA have set up a fund to help with her medical costs. Click on this Link to give directly to the LPTA Tammy Gilbert Fund